Find out what it takes to get your Gold Wings (fixed wing)

In December we move into the summer series for our club meetings. This means we will have our monthly club meeting at the field on the first weekend of the month on alternate Saturdays & Sundays


The next meeting will be on Saturday December 3rd. We are changing the format for these meetings & after the club meeting is over, Peter Harris, our CFO will be giving a demonstration of some of the manoeuvres pilots are required to perform to get their Gold Wings. At the end of Peter’s demonstration we will have 3 instructors on the field & you can get your planes in the air & have them talk you through the do & don’t of each manoeuvre. So why not come down & find out what it takes to get your Wings.

All members are encouraged to attend the club meeting. It’s your club after all. Then after the meeting you can get some expert advice on how to improve your flying. I will also point out that the committee has now rescinded the rule that there is no flying during club meetings. The only exception to this rule is large noisy aircraft that disrupt the meeting.

Farewell Giorgio

As many of you I’m sure would know, Giorgio Valcastelli after many years in Australia is returning to his native Italy. Giorgio has been a familiar face around the club for many years. He was also the winner of the 2009 Monty Tyrell event.

So, we are having a farewell BBQ for Giorgio on the 3rd December, which will take place before the monthly club meeting.  Why not come along & say goodbye.