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B36 Maiden Flight
B36 Maiden Flight
Today, 13 October 2018 the B36 of Ivan & Kevin Chiselett & Andrew Smallridge with help from Paul Somerville had it's maiden flight. In fact it was so good, it had two flights. Pilot's for this were Dave Law and Neil Addicott
Some issues were discovered with the motor's surging which needs resolving before it takes to the air again, but two great flights.
Please click on an image to view more photos.
- Photos courtesy of Andrew Mysliborski
Video production by Alan Foley, drone shots by Andrew Mysliborski
Video's from Above Feb-Mar17
Video's from Above
We have 2 great video's taken from Drone's recently. One by Paul Webber & another by Andrew Mysliborski
Paul's video was taken on the 5th March just as we were setting up for the VPA All Stars
Andrew's Video was taken on the 24th February when the Westernport Drifters visited P&DARCS
Thanks to both of them for great video's
Canberra Scale Rally 2014 by Roly
Canberra Scale Rally by Roly
Last week (29-30th Nov) I attended the CMAC Scale rally on my way back from Sydney where I visited Toby and Liesel. The flying facilities are simply superb and a credit to the guys up there. Check out the video clip to see what I talking about. Just the starting up and taxiing to the take off point are a heap of fun. Please also note one of the myths of hard runways being demolished, "you need brakes on your model otherwise you'll never stop!"