The field was progressing nicely until we had minor flooding again last night which has again encroached on the runways but fortunately not into our buildings. Consequently the field is still un-flyable so will most likely not be open until next week at the earliest.             


Also while we have the drainage contractor at the field and as it is closed Norm will be repairing the drain at the Gate entry as it currently is broken and isn’t functioning correctly as it is partially filled in. due to the current water level it will be an open Hole for a day or so. So if you are around the area for a nosey don’t drive into our driveway. It will be cordoned off but just in case be careful. 


Norm has been at the field almost daily supervising drainage work and trying to get it up and running and we really appreciate his efforts . I know that it is disappointing that the field is still closed but unfortunately we have no control over mother nature . From what I am told quite a few field are unusable at the moment.           



