2013 Monty Event


 Enter for your chance to win one of these fantastic prizes!!! 




  1. The aircraft must be a replica of a full size aircraft. 3 views are not required, unless the aircraft is of an unknown origin.
  2. Minimum flights required to be eligible for trophies is 3
  3. All pilots must have a caller/helper, this is mandatory for safety reasons.
  4. Aircraft will be judged on realism in takeoff, flying and landing
  5. Holding bays will be used. When one aircraft lands, another will be permitted to take off, max aircraft in the air at any time will be 6.
  6. No fix wing hovering permitted anywhere.  Aircraft must be flown in the normal flight pattern



Pre-entry is encouraged, but send no money. Please pay on the day.
Briefing will start at 10.00 am, then flying can commence.
Entry cost is $10.00 for the first two aircraft, $10.00 per model after that.


Entry forms can be downloaded from our website