New Weather Station Online
The weather station has finally been installed & can be access via the our field menu.

Well the annual 2008 Monty Tyrrell scale rally has been run and won !

The weather god smiled upon us as well !!  excellent day with light winds, and with 28 entries, a busy day ensured ! flying was excellent, and thankfully no prangs were recorded.

1st place went to Alan Male, flying a drifter ultalight, powered by a petrol motor. Alan flew the aircraft very well, and was very consistent in taking off, flying and landing.

2nd place went to Mark Collins, flying his magnificent DC3. Mark had problems with one of the motors going off song, but never the less, flew the aircraft to credible 2nd place. Well done Mark !

3rd place went to Graeme Simpson flying a magnificent Piper Super Cub.

The winners of the raffle were;
1st  Frank McPherson........Ultimate bi plane kit, donated by the P&DARCS and Addies hobbies
2nd David Glossop...........P40 kit donated by Ian Thompson
3rd  Roly Gaumann...........Car jumper cables donated by Darryl Cope
As with any event its the volunteers that make it happen! I would sincerely like to thank the following people who volunteered their time to make the event Happen!


Firstly my partner in crime, Walshy !!! (Dave Walsh)


 C/D Paul Sommerville
Judges Graham Godden
Frank Dibble
Peter Harrison
Don White
Frank Mcpherson
P/A System Setup Angelo Favaloro


Wally and Pearl
Gwen Robinson
Judy Webb 

Raffle Sales

Daniel Jenkins

Judy Webb

Transmitter Pound

 Bill Hawks

 Kieth Young

Entry Forms

 Darryl Cope

Ian Thompson

Photography  Ian Thompson. Photos for newsletter & website
Web Master Daniel Jenkins

If I have missed anyone,  My apologies !  Next year will be a bigger event, and will be advertized in newsletters, RCM&E ( Aust version ) VMAA news letter, so keep watching !

If you would like to speak with us about the next 2009 Monty Tyrrell event, please contact myself, Darryl Cope or Dave Walsh
         Cheers DARRYL COPE