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 Club Visit to


8PM Wednesday 4th June 2008



The long awaited revisit of Rotec Engineering Factory is just next month (June 4th). When we last had our meeting there our members and visitors showed a tremendous amount of interest in all that was going on. Co Directors Paul and Matt Chernikeeff had prepared for us and Paul gave a most interesting account of the origins and early days of their business.

As they are both active and very experienced radio modelers one feels somehow connected with their journey even though they now are up to their eyeballs in the Ultralight aircraft world.  As if he is not busy enough with the business Paul has built a twin cockpit Flybaby Ultralight and now has, not one, but two more in process. ( An Hatz Bipe and a Kitfox I believe.)  What a man, maybe he doesn’t sleep!!!  This time Paul  will be giving us an update on their progress into the UltraLight Aircraft World with their fabulous radial engines and the two Ultralights they are building. If we are lucky they may run one of their radials if it happens to be on the test stand.

We will be having our monthly meeting there. After the talk and a wander around the factory  we will have Hot Dogs and Coffee. Last time Paul stayed around to chat to us all and answer questions, one to one.

This is Paul’s Flybaby below:-




 DON’T FORGET: -  Next  Club Meeting - 4th June on Wednesday night @ 8.00pm.   

Please note this meeting is an excursion to the Rotec Radial Engine Company, 29 De Havilland Road, Mordialloc. All visitors and prospective new members welcome. While you are waiting check our their web site     





As usual with the help of our generous sponsors we have a range of prizes for the June Meeting. Here is some information to tempt your wallet.

Main Prize:

CMPro Venture 2.6 meter Scale Glider

The CMPro Ventus is well-designed to make building and flying a lot of fun, it features:

    * High precision fiberglass fuselage with fine painting that perfectly reflects the nice appearance of Ventus.
    * Nicely covered wing panel built by quality balsawood, a decal set is included which you can personalize the design.
    * Wing tips in order to reduce the tendency to stall and enhance scale feelings.
    * Removable tailplane for easy transportation.
    * Clear navy blue canopy with cockpit.
    * An air-brake that efficiently raises control of the plane and makes landing an easy thing to do! The design is also aimed to make assembly as simple as possible. A steering set is included to help setting up the air-brake and make it easy to use.
    * A retract system that makes the Ventus suitable for different flying locations. The retract is easy to use and is linked with the hatch door for scale features.
    * A 8mm-hole is pre-drilled at the nose for towing on runways. The construction inside fuselage is already prepared for tractors and thus no further conversion is needed. 


Auxiliary Prizes:

Glow Fuel, Permagrit Tools and other sundry items

Ticket prices $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 don’t miss out.