New Weather Station Online
The weather station has finally been installed & can be access via the our field menu.

On Wednesday 4th June we visited the Rotec engines factory in Mordialloc. There we were given a tour of the factory & a talk from Paul Chernikeeff on the origins and early days of their business.

Rotec produce 7 & 9 cylinder radial engines for the ultralight market. These are 2.8 & 3.6 litre engines.

Below are a few shots of their factory & the engines. Please look in the gallery section for more photos.

Our thanks to our hosts, Paul and Matt Chernikeeff. It was a great evening.



 A brand new engine all ready for testing
 An engine ready for shipping
 A few blocks waiting to be installed
 a 7 cylinder block
 The new engine gets fired up. It's a total of 10 minutes old!