Update from Club President - Field Open 17th May
To all Club Members
After nearly two months we’re finally in a position to reopen the club.
In this first stage of easing of restrictions, the Victorian government has placed limits on groups of no more than 10 people congregating at once. To manage this & make sure we comply with government restrictions, the Committee has put together a procedure.
In order to be as fair as possible, we've created a booking system to allow members to book a flying slot.
- 3 slots a day have been allocated which are 3 hours long. To be fair to others waiting to fly, members must arrive, fly and depart within the 3 hour window
- Up to 10 members at a time can book into each slot. Members must only book one slot a day to allow others the opportunity to also fly.
- Members are permitted to book 3 times a week maximum.
This will operate on a first come first serve basis. Members can visit the club website & look for an available slot, if it is free then they can book it & it’s confirmed automatically.
A logbook has also been created & when members are at the field they must sign in and sign out. The reason for this is, should we find out in a week that a member has contracted coronavirus, we will have a log of who else may have been in contact with & advise them they may need to get tested in a timely manner. It’s purely for member safety.
The same applies to the procedure we’ve put in place, it’s purely there to protect you, our members & limit the potential for catching coronavirus.
This procedure & booking system is now live on the website. The field will undergo a cleaning this Saturday after the recent flooding. So, the field will reopen this Sunday 17th. Members will be able to book in from 8PM tonight. However, please note due to the recent flooding there the ground is still very wet. Only really appropriate to fly bush planes with large wheels & capable of short take off and landings. Grass is also long and too wet to mow, so take your wellies.
Please visit the club website & see the “How It Works” link for details on the procedure & how to book. The Committee will review this process periodically & modify it if needed.
We understand this limits the amount of time members can spend at the field, but in order to give everyone an opportunity to visit the field, this we hope is a fair process. Hopefully this is a short term solution & we can remove it in the near future.
President Bill R