New Weather Station Online
The weather station has finally been installed & can be access via the our field menu.

The VMAA trophy is to be held at our field on the 12 and 13th of April 2008. 



The VMAA trophy is an interclub challenge made up of a number of events designed to allow all level of pilot competence to compete and represent their club. Along with the serious disciplines of Aerobatics, Pylon racing, thermal glider, scale fun fly and old timer there are some spectacular and fun novelty events such as musical landings and most unusual model. 

The VMAA Trophy is in fact the only interclub event currently running in Victoria.


Details on how to enter can be found on the VMAA website by following this link 


A boot sale will also be held on the Saturday & Sunday, so if you have some items you no longer require, why not sell them. To see information on the Boot Sale, click on Read More below...





At the P&DARCS Field

(Wenn Road Cardinia – Melway Page 14 or click here )

Sat. & Sun. April 12th & 13th 2008
(the weekend of the 2008 V.M.A.A. Trophy.)

Do you have any modeling stuff you want to sell?

If so then why not hire a site at the


Sites are available for $20-00 per day and will be approximately 2M X 2M. 

 Come Along and get the Bargains.

To book a site and to obtain the conditions of hire - contact;

Ivan Chiselett on 9898 4379 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Note: All sites are to be pre-booked, none will be available on the day